Cordova twitter post on behalf of user

Here I am sharing how you can tweet directly fro

Sending push notifications to Android mobile using Firebase and PHP

Sharing how you can send notification to android d

Telegram Bot: Insert line break to text message

Adding "\n" will not break the line in telegram bo

Telegram Bot message formatting

The Telegram Bot API supports basic formatting for

Removing index.php from url of codeigniter-3 ubuntu

Removing index.php from url Wamp To make SEO frie

Generating ERD using PHPMyAdmin 4.9

Today I need to generate ERD for my Database. If y

C# : Adding a new column in datatable and adding value to it

Here I am sharing how you can add a new column and

Getting rows count for each table in Database in SQL server

Two ways you can retrive rows count for each table

Converting string to Date and DateTime PHP

This is very common functionality we use while dev

How to make hidden file visible in file manager

By default cPanel does not show hidden files for s

Using a Format File to Bulk Import Data in SQL Server 1

SQL Server OPENROWSET (starting with 200

Javascript check if object is empty

This is very frequently facing issue, checking a j

Generating Excel file in PHP

Here i am sharing how one can generate E

C# Generating txt file with delimiters

Here sharing code how you can generate/d

How to remove Laravel cache

Clearing Laravel application cache using

Karthika Vanabhojanam with Hyderabad Family 2018

After a long gap, we had a good gettogether (Vanab

Windows service on local computer started and then stopped

  I am getting below error while running win

Installing Windows Services using command prompt

In this post, I am sharing how you can i

Reading barcode or QRcode using cordova or Phonegap

  Sharing code how you can easily install an

Could not load file or assembly System.Web.Http.WebHost

  After deploying to IIS server from Visual

Customize excel file before exporting using jQuery DataTables

I need to format excel data before it ge

How to format cell using EPPlus package in C# MVC

EPPlus is a great package used in C# to

How to read data from excel sheet and insert into database table in C#

Reading excel file using EPPlus package

Reading excel file using EPPlus package

Here I am sharing how you can read excel

Transfer domain to Godaddy using EPP

Transferring domain to Godaddy using EPP

Generating and Formatting excelsheet in c# using EPPlus

Getting data from database in DataTable

DataTables header and body not aligned

When scrolling is enabled in DataTables

Visual Studio not loading few files and folder in Solution Explorer

I am building a project in C# MVC4 using

You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components

While building Android application you m

How to read an Excel file using C# MVC 4

Reading Excel file using C# MVC 4 is ver